Gravity Forms Signature Added to WP E-Signature

Kevin Michael Gray

Would the signatures on your Gravity Forms hold up in court?

If you use Gravity Forms to collect signatures, you’re only collecting an image of a signature.

This is not the same as a legally-binding UETA/ESIGN/GDPR-compliant electronic signature.

There are many important regulations an electronic signature must meet to be compliant. WP E-Signature helps bridge the gap for Gravity Forms users.

With the WP E-Signature Gravity Forms add-on, you can make sure you’re covered in the eyes of the law.

This add-on populates data from your Gravity Form into a legally-binding document.

Start by adding your general terms to the document. Then, the signer-specific data gets added to a new copy every time someone submits your form.

It’s so simple! Have your signer fill in the Gravity Form, submit it, then redirect them or email them the document to sign.

This way, you can always protect yourself with a signature that is legally-binding.

Gravity Forms Signature Addon

With this add-on, you can:

✅ Redirect users to a WP E-Signature contract after a Gravity Forms submission.

✅ Use your existing forms! There’s no need to build any new forms. Include Gravity Forms shortcodes in your eSignature document to populate form data.

✅ Create a contract with submitted data automatically whenever a client completes the form.

✅ No need to worry about forms anymore. Let them come in on auto-pilot, while you focus on other areas of your business.

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