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DocHub vs. DocuSign: Comparing Electronic Signature Options for Enterprises

Signature collection can be an arduous process for everyone, from single business owners to large organizations. Both DocHub and DocuSign offer solutions intended to simplify the process, reduce costs, and allow users an easy way to collect electronic signatures from clients and other partners. Some companies may have more extensive needs than others, which can influence the final decision when choosing a digital transaction management (DTM) solution.

DocHub vs. DocuSign — A Quick Comparison

Integrated Security ISO 27001 and SSAE 16
Custom Signatures
Document Tagging
Secure Backup Amazon Web Services
Multilanguage Support
Multiple Pricing Tiers 2
Support Type Email Email, Phone
Contract Required
Integration With Other Business Applications
API Available
Average Review Rating
4.5 4.6

DocHub vs. DocuSign

E-Signature solutions have become essential to SMB’s looking to cut costs by reducing the amount of paper used in the document signing process. DocHub and DocuSign are two well-known solutions relied upon by organizations of all sizes. Both offer some excellent features designed to make the process of obtaining digital signatures easier.

In the following roundup, you’ll learn about the differences between DocHub and Docusign and ApproveMe as an alternative document signing solution.

What is DocHub?

DocHub allows users to edit PDF forms and send them out for signature. It is currently the fastest-growing document signing platform. They control all aspects of the software and do not outsource any of the support or coding. Their parent company is Macroplant, a global software leader that specializes in iPhone transfer software and document signing.

What is DocuSign?

DocuSign remains one of the top DTM companies in the world. They are used by SMBs as well as large enterprises needing a reliable e-signature solution. Its seamless integration into a variety of popular business tools is one of the reasons DocuSign continues to thrive. It provides users with complete control over document tracking throughout the signature process.

About DocHub


With DocHub, business users can quickly import documents from an email attachment, add their signature, and send it right back without needing to print or scan the document. Documents can also be sent via multiple signature workflows to different individuals. Users control the order of signature and can track each stage of the process. Users can also create templates that enable batch document signing.

DocHub provides tools that let business users add annotations to PDF and edit fields. They have control over the ordering of the document. The platform allows users to rotate forms, reorder pages through drag and drop, and merge different PDFs to create a final version of the required material. The platform integrates with Gmail, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Users also gain the ability to create new PDF forms or edit and fill out existing ones. DocHub supports linked fields and others native to PDFs. The platform intuitively bridges the gap between a PDF document and a user’s browser. There is also a Field Manager that gives users control over creating or modifying fields for signatures, checkboxes, and others.

About DocuSign

The DocuSign Agreement Cloud represents the core of the platform. It includes the Spring CM contract management system that allows for automation of the entire document creation process. Users can build contracts that use information pulled from existing company backend systems.

Those who work in a large organization can collaborate online to get documents in order. DocuSign makes it possible to assign different tasks and track completion as they relate to the form. Individual users can also complete necessary post-agreement actions within the platform. They can also create reusable templates used by the business that contain bulk fields. A user can maintain and attach bulk lists of users for different documents to send to multiple recipients.

DocuSign supports file formats like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It recognizes and auto-tags fields within a PDF form that generally require a signature. That reduces the time a user must spend massaging a PDF form into a proper format to send out for an e-signature.

Another time-saving feature for workers is the incorporation of business users are the 20 standard and custom tag and form fields made available. Any of them can be added to a form, auto-populating into the proper position based on a line of entered text.

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DocHub vs Docusign Security

DocHub Security

DocHub uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to house their servers and data. The company maintains a team of security specialists to look for any security vulnerabilities in its software. They perform vigilant monitoring of all ports that attackers might pursue to access personal information.

All DocHub communications are conducted over SSL to prevent anyone from trying to pick up valuable information. The company backs up data to three different servers and does not remove files deleted by users in case of a restoration request. DocHub differs from many other DTMs in that they do not encrypt information, preferring to focus on keeping their servers secure.

DocuSign Security

DocuSign continuously works to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to security considerations. They always pursue using the most powerful encryption technology and back up their methods through a third-party audit. DocuSign holds the following certifications:

  • ISO 27001 (SOC 1)
  • SSAE 16 (SOC 2)

The company uses reporting requirements outlined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). They have production operations undergo audits to confirm that all outlined security procedures are being followed. DocuSign maintains compliance with the current PCI SSS and keeps meticulous controls around cardholder data housed within their servers.

DocuSign fully complies with all aspects of the ESIGN Act.

  • Verifies the identity of the signer using multiple forms of authentication
  • Confirms the intent of a recipient to use an electronic signature
  • Links signatures to signers and documents
  • Records all relevant signature and document actions
  • Provides secure and continuous access to DocuSign documents
  • Uses tamper-seals to protect documents

DocHub vs Docusign Customer Support

DocHub’s help center offers tutorials and answers to common questions users have about the platform. They also ask for idea requests and bug reports. Registered users can submit requests through the help center or email.

DocuSign’s Support Center provides clients with answers related to different aspects of the software. A community of DocuSign users also prove helpful when it comes to sharing knowledge on the best ways of leveraging the tool. Companies also have the option of having employees undergo training from DocuSign to get the most from the platform.

Clients can submit an online support request, use chat support through the DocuSign website, or contact them by phone. Enterprise customers receive prioritized support for their issues.

DocHub Pricing

DocHub has simplified pricing, offering a free and pro level for users. The free tier provides users with the ability to manage up to 2,000 documents and send out five eSignature requests per month per document. Additional features included with the free DocHub level includes:

  • Three sign requests per month
  • Three simultaneous signers for each signature request
  • Three email recipients (per email)
  • Seven saved signatures

The Pro tier costs $6.99 each month per user, with a 29% discount when paid for annually. Users gain access to more advanced capabilities in addition to the features offered in the free tier.

  • Storing of unlimited documents for each account
  • Unlimited eSignatures each month
  • Unlimited Sign requests each month
  • The ability to send 250 emails per day
  • The ability to ask for signatures from up to 50 signers per request
  • 20 email recipients for each email sent
  • The ability to save an unlimited amount of signatures
  • Sending of 35 free faxes
  • Drop-Down box field tool
  • 600+ customized stamps
  • Flatten and rasterize documents
  • Priority tech support

DocuSign Pricing

DocuSign provides individuals and organizations with the choice of static pricing tiers. They provide the option of paying by the month or annually for a discount.

The Personal Tier costs $15 per month per user ($10 when paying annually). It provides a license for business user license and access to the capabilities outlined below:

  • Maximum of five documents per month to recipients
  • Access to basic text fields like name, date, signature, company, title
  • Reusable templates
  • Ability to route documents to multiple recipients at once, or have them sign one in a specific order
  • Real-time audit trail

The Standard tier costs $40 per month per user ($25 when paying annually). It offers the following additional services to go along with the features from the Standard level:

  • The ability to send an unlimited number of documents.
  • The ability to set automatic reminders
  • The ability to integrate with over 300 business tools (Salesforce, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
  • The ability to send documents in 13 different languages and receive signatures in 43

Business Pro tier plans provide access to all features from the Personal and Standard tier. It is priced at $60 per month per user ($40 when paying annually) and includes the following add-ons:

  • Payment receipt
  • Two-factor authorization
  • Smart fields

Companies looking for more specialized packages can contact a DocuSign sales representative to go over the options for customization. They can add features like CRM integrations, access to SOAP and REST APIs. A business can also integrate the collection of signatures directly into a website.

Businesses can use DocuSign’s 30-day free trial period to test out the platform. There is no need to provide a credit card, and an organization nan feel free to cancel without incurring a penalty.

How do they rate?

DocHub User Reviews

DocHub is a popular choice among users who reviewed the software on G2. There are currently only 27 reviews, though they provide an average rating of 4 ½ stars. The thing users liked the most was the lack of limitations when it came to accessing documents from desktop and mobile devices. PDF lovers enjoy the versatility and power of the tools provided with the platform.

The biggest drawback seemed to be the design of the platform, which some felt could be made more appealing. Others also indicated a preference for more features. It appeared popular among users who wanted something simple that they could use from popular business tools.

DocuSign User Reviews

The feature-rich DocuSign platform continues to remain popular, with a 4.5 rating on both Gartner and G2. It seems to be widely used among enterprise workers, especially those in the healthcare industry who appreciated the way it conformed to HIPAA standards.

Some users wanted more dynamic controls they could add to forms. Others needed more clarity on the best ways of using workflows.

Picking an E-Signature Solution

The choice between DocHub and DocuSign comes down to the needs of a company. Those that want something that allows them to edit PDFs and collect signatures may end up being happy with DocHub, though it might be worth it to upgrade to the Pro level.

DocuSign would be the clear choice for growing businesses and enterprises that must collaborate with different people and need something capable of providing robust tracking. The attention paid to security also continues to be one of the standout features of the DocuSign platform.

Looking for an alternative to DocHub or DocuSign?

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