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Please sign or type your name in the signature creator to start.
A signature maker tool (or signature generator) is an online tool that allows you to create an electronic signature online. You may draw or type your name, customize it to your liking, and download your electronic signature image so you may use it on digital documents.
Use our free online signature software to create your free downloadable electronic signature, and choose file types to add your electronic signature to such as a PDF file, Word documents, Excel, and any document online in less than a minute. Our users love how fast they can sign documents and files!
How You Can Use Your New Online Signature
It's important to note that the online signature file you create with this online signature maker is not considered a legally binding electronic signature on it's own without use of the full ApproveMe app or another esignature tool which will legally and securely record and streamline the document signing process.
Drag and Drop PDF:
You can use this online signature generator free tool to create, download and drop digital signatures in your email signature, on your website, upload to social media, and other places on the web where you might use signature images for an on-brand document signed. You can even download and add them to documents you are faxing to give a personal signature touch.
You can create and upload your signature image for storage via Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or directly on your computer or mobile device.
Device Agnostic:
You can use your signature image on Windows or Mac desktops as well as smartphones/mobile phones.
Online Signature Resources
3 Things to Know About a Digital Signature
We often get questions about what digital signatures are and how to sign a PDF online. Some of our most frequently asked questions are shown below.
#1: Does typing your name on a form and clicking submit hold up as a legal signature?
No. There are many international regulations regarding online signatures, such as ESIGN and UETA, that define what constitutes a legally binding eSignature on important documents. Just typing a name on a form and clicking submit has several issues that prevent it from being upheld in a court of law as legal documents, these are:
- Anyone can just type a name or attach a signature picture file on a form. To be fully lawful, there must be a method to verify that the inputted name belongs to the person it represents. For example, in the ApproveMe eSignature platform, we use a digital certificate to prove that the person who will sign PDF document is who they say they are. In addition, digital certificates are issued by certificate authorities (CA); CA's check who you are when they issue the certificate. The certificate then becomes a digital version of you.
- When you electronically sign a digital document or upload PDF online, the signed PDF file needs to be tied to the electronic signatures itself. This ensures that if anything changes in the contract, for example, someone changing a clause from "I will pay $1000" to "I will pay $100", the change in the file will record and be spotted.
#2: How can eSignatures or digital signatures mean anything?
The introduction of eSignature laws that gave legal weight to electronic signatures are what adds meaning to them. eSignature laws such as ESIGN and UETA in the USA, and EU Directive 1999/99/EC in Europe outlined the legal requirements of electronic signatures making them as valid as wet (handwritten) signatures on legal documents.
#3: What is meant by a wet, digital or electronic signature?
A wet signature is a handwritten signature made by using a pen on hard copy paper. A digital signature is the process by which an electronic signature is used to sign documents online.
What does your signature say about you?
The way you sign your name is special. It's unique. It represents you. Many experts believe that the way your name is signed can reveal who you are as a person in life and even in business.
Here are a few things that handwriting experts look for in determining your personality based on your signature alone:
Small letters:
Small letters in your own signature may be an indicator that you are shy, possibly quiet and withdrawn. A small autograph does, however, say that you are meticulous and can stay focused on tasks that require a high level of concentration.
Larger letters:
Larger than life letters are the trademark of an outspoken person with a lot of self-confidence, and are generally someone that loves attention. It's been said before that you could be a bit dreamy and sometimes even naive.
Consistent letters:
Consistent and average sized letters indicate a well adjusted and adaptable individual. If all letters are equal in size, this generally indicates that you are a modest and shy person.
Many handwriting experts believe that people who consistently have an incoherent or illegible signature are arrogant and assume that everyone already knows (or rather should know) who they are.
The opposite can be said for people with an easily readable John Hancock. You are open, honest, and you have nothing to hide because you are truly happy with yourself.
Stylized letters:
A John Hancock that is over the top fancy and ornate is generally an indicator of a creative, boastful and passionate individual that loves attention. A line cutting through the middle of your signature could be an indicator of unhappiness and a person who is sensitive or extremely self-critical.
Underlined signature:
If you sign with an underline that could mean that you are selfish and have a sensitivity for recognition and status. A signature with a line that is a little bit above your name means you are generally a high achiever, ambitious and proud.
What would the handwriting experts say about your signature?
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Online Signature FAQ
How can I create an online signature?
How do I add a signature in Office 365 online?
How do I add a signature to a document online?
How can I make my handwritten signature online?
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