Security & Protection
We are passionate about security and UETA/ESIGN compliance
E Signature Security & Signer Authentication
ESignature Security is one of ApproveMe’s highest priority’s and it should be your priority as well. With WP E Signature all of your esigned documents and online signature’s are encrypted and kept hidden in your database, using GUID encryption.
- Contract Encryption: All e signature’s, text field data and contract content is encrypted and saved on your server in your phpmyadmin database.
- Tamper Resistance: If you are unlucky enough to have your website hacked, even if a hacker attempts to unencrypt an online signature or document and they try to change so much as a comma to a semi-colon the document will automatically redirect to a 404 Contract not found message and alert all parties associated with the document that the document has been altered.
- Security using SSL: WP E-Signature makes it easy for you to force secure SSL signing on all of your online contracts whenever you have a valid SSL certificate installed on your website.
- Document & Signer ID Numbers: Each Document and Signer have their own custom generated signer ID. These details (along with their ip address) is affixed to the auto-generated audit trail for each signed contract.
- No Images of eSignatures are Saved on Your Server: Storing your signers signature on your ftp server is a major risk and huge liability! This is the same signature that is used to apply for a credit card, purchase a house, buy a car, etc. It’s for this very reason that all of the WP E Signature online signatures are encrypted and only the mouse strokes of the signature are stored. The image of the online will never be stored on your server.
- Audit Trail and Serial Numbers: So what happens once a user Sign’s Documents Online with WP E-Signature? Once a document is completed a unique serial number gets generated and affixed to the audit trail contents then it is emailed to all signatory parties. If any data that is located in the audit trail is ever manipulated or altered in ANYWAY, the unique serial number will be automatically updated (so you and a judge can verify that this was (or was not) the document that you electronically signed).
- Signature Addon’s vs WP E-Signature: WordPress Form Plugins are awesome (gravity forms, ninja forms, caldera forms, formberry, etc)! You can drum up some incredibly powerful form automations and workflows using a WordPress website; However, signing a court recognized and legally binding document is NOT their main focus (it is WP E-Signature’s ENTIRE focus). ApproveMe has spent MANY years creating a proprietary online contract signing platform that adheres to the very strict UETA and ESIGN international and national contract signing regulations.
Do the intelligent thing and don’t get stuck in front of a judge with a contract that isn’t even legally binding! Click Here to Learn More about the Audit Trail Certificate